Best SEO Company in Delhi

On-Page SEO relates to the content on your website.

The On-Page SEO activities primarily include infusing keywords in the right quantity, inserting internal links, meta tags, Meta description, building a customized URL structure, inserting the alt attributes, taking care of the image SEO and most importantly providing the users with quality content.

Best SEO Company in Delhi
  • Perform keyword research to find the top keywords.
  • Choose one primary keyword for your content.
  • Make sure the primary keyword isn’t assigned to another piece of content.
  • Choose three to five related keywords for your content.
  • Create a content plan for your keyword.
  • Write a title that includes the primary keyword.
  • Wrap the title in an H1 tag.
  • Write more than 300 words of body content.
  • Write original content. Write high-quality content.
  • Write for an eighth-grade reading level.
  • Add the primary keyword to create a 2-3% keyword density.
  • Use each related keyword at least once in the body copy.
  • Make your content scannable.
  • Wrap subheadings in an H2 tag.
Best SEO Company in Delhi Ncr
  • Use the primary keyword in at least one subheading.
  • Use the primary keyword in the first and last paragraph of the content.
  • Add relevant internal links using targeted anchor text.
  • Add relevant links to high-quality sites.
  • Set outbound links to open a new page.
  • Add at least one image.
  • Add the primary keyword to the image file name.
  • Add the primary keyword to the image title.
  • Add the primary keyword to the image alt tag.
  • Size the image properly.
  • Write an SEO-friendly URL that includes the primary keyword.
  • Assign relevant tags and categories (if it’s a blog post).
  • Add an optimized meta title.
Best SEO Company in India
  • Add an optimized meta description.
  • Add structured data markup.
  • Add social sharing links.
  • Proofread your content.
  • Check your work.
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best on page seo company in delhi

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